If you have lost a pet in the Clinton area, please call our shelter at (563) 242-2457 or visit the shelter located at 1473 Main Avenue at your earliest available opportunity. Our shelter receives animals every day and one of them could be your pet. We are required to hold stray animals, animals that do not have an identified owner, for four days. After this four day holding period, any stray animal can be put up for adoption, transferred to another shelter, sent to rescue, put into a foster home, and in rare cases, euthanized (only if serious medical issues exist or there are serious issues of aggression).
As the owner you are the best person to identify your own pet, therefore we cannot tell you with certainty whether your pet is here or not. It is very important that you come to identify your pet as soon as possible. If you visit our shelter and do not locate your pet, please provide a picture of your pet if possible. We can post it in our kennels and keep an eye out for your pet.
Here are some tips to help locate your lost pet:
- Post flyers in your neighborhood
- Notify area veterinarians and your veterinarian
- Check your local Craigslist for “found” pets
- Visit other area animal shelters and post lost pet notices
- Check local newspapers for “found” pet advertisements
- Don’t give up hope. Pets have been found months after getting lost!
If you are fortunate in finding your pet consider having your pet microchipped to help with permanent identification. This can be done by most veterinarians and right here at the shelter for $25. Also, please make sure your pet is always wearing a collar and ID tags. ID tags can include rabies or license tags, microchip tags, and personal ID tags. Only 5% of lost pets that are not wearing identification ever get reunited with their owners.